Barefoot Learner Principles

What are the Barefoot Learner Principles?

We know that Paekākāriki kids are special and we nurture and celebrate the blend of qualities that make our
students unique. Our consultation with students, parents and our wider community helped us identify the

wonderful, free-spirited qualities of the Barefoot Learner at Paekākāriki School.

We partner with Enviro-Schools to deliver learning that empowers learners.

Empowered Students Learning for Sustainability


These principles are already visible in our school environment, in how the curriculum is delivered and in how we choose the learning priorities for our tamariki. They align with the New Zealand Curriculum key competencies ensuring our tamariki have the capabilitiesfor living and lifelong learning and they connect with Tātaiako, Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners. The Strategic Plan is a living expression of our community’s vision and will grow and adapt to suit our children’s changing needs. 

Barefoot Learner Culture

Barefoot Learner Matrix 2019