Ngā Purapura – the seedling or young shoot. This is the space for our tamariki who are beginning to establish themselves in the world as independent thinkers and learners. Tamariki are recognised for their individual strengths and interests and are provided with opportunities to explore and thrive.
This space is for children in Years 5, 6, 7, and 8. Children will move through to Ngā Purapura at the beginning of the year and will spend the next 4 years in this collaborative learning environment.
The focus for the Ngā Purapura learning environment is for tamariki to continue to develop their literacy and numeracy skills within the wider curriculum through project learning, STEAM learning, interest-based groups and small group teaching. Learners in Ngā Purapura engage in meaningful integrated learning experiences, seizing opportunities to build upon and develop their autonomy, agency and executive function capabilities.
Learning in Ngā Purapura:
Looks like… bare feet.
Sounds like… voices engaged in meaningful learning conversations.
Smells like… fresh air from our outdoor learning options
Feels like… curiosity and excitement!
Rachel McMullen, Jess Hortop, and Eendre Davidson are the whanau teachers in Ngā Purapura. They are supported by Justine Ward, Naomi Ratana and Simon James